Why Social Media Should Be Avoided During a Divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2013 | Publications

By: Hoang-Anh Zapien

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites have become an integral part of how people interact with one another in today’s culture. When something happens in our lives, it is automatically relayed to our friends and families through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and is often documented by lots and lots of photos. However, keeping friends and families updated about every triumph and tragedy in our lives is not always the best course of conduct when going through a divorce. Parties often post things via social media without thinking through all the potential consequences. Especially during a divorce process, parties need to realize that not every “friend” is a friend.

The use of electronic communications such as text messages and emails have also become a leading form of communication. Divorcing couples often find that communicating through text messages and/or emails is more effective because it eliminates the need for telephone or in person contact. However, parties usually forget that communicating electronically provides a substantial trail of evidence that may later be used in the divorce case by either party. Therefore, the form of communication that seems to simplify your life may end up hurting you in a divorce if the parties fail to keep in mind that everything typed via a text message or email is permanent and public.

Electronic communications such as texts, email and even posts on social media sites are becoming the most important pieces of evidence in divorce cases. Therefore, it is essential when going through a divorce not to put anything that you do not want the judge to read in an email, a text message or online.

Information from social media, text messages and emails can be used by attorneys and judges in various ways that ultimately affect child custody, spousal support and asset division in many cases. Therefore, before posting or texting anything, be mindful that every aspect of your life is under scrutiny during a divorce.

Hoang-Anh Zapien is an Associate with Kring & Chung, LLP‘s Inland Empire, CA office. She can be contacted at (909)-941-3050 or azapienat-sign kringandchung DOT com


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