Child Custody & Visitation
At Kring & Chung, we provide personalized, experienced service to help clients handle emotionally charged issues related to child custody and child visitation.
Child Custody: Establishing the Initial Order
Child custody and visitation arrangements are usually established as part of a broader divorce settlement, although many parents with child custody rights have never been married.
In determining the custody and visitation arrangement, the court is concerned primarily with the best interests of the child. To that end, judges consider several questions:
- Which parent was the primary caregiver?
- Which parent is able to maintain a better living environment for the child?
- What are the work schedules of both parents?
- Where does the child currently go to school?
- Has either parent been emotionally or physically abusive?
- Has either parent been charged with domestic violence?
Issues Arising After the Order is Established
Child custody arrangements are not set in stone. They are determined based on the circumstances of the couple and the child at the time of the divorce or separation. If those circumstances change substantially, then the arrangement can be modified. In addition, if one spouse violates the order, the other has a right to file for contempt in an enforcement proceeding. Learn more about modifications and enforcements.
Move-Aways or Relocation of the Parent with Child Custody
If the custodial parent wishes to move a significant distance away (i.e., out of county, state or country), this will significantly impact the non-custodial parent’s ability to play any role in the child’s life. The relocating parent must get approval either from the non-custodial parent or from the court.
If you would like to learn more, we would be happy to discuss issues related to child custody, relocation, enforcement and modification during an initial confidential consultation. To schedule a time, call (949)-261-7700 or contact our office online today.